I will tell you about my life and what I did and what I read. Please come this room whenever you are free.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Volleybball game

I went to Fukuoka to watch the Australia versus Japan volleyball game with my friend. Japan scored first but, Australia won the game at last. I was so excited because, it was first time to watch the live game. Moreover, we can watch the game close to a volleyball court. I want to watch again.
55 words

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I went to go KFC with my friends. I ate frozen. It was very delicious and I had a very good time. I want to go again. My friend ate a hamburger after lunch so I thought it was eating too much. :)
42 words

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

WEI 02

How many words
in Week 1: (305)
in Week 2: (392)
in Week 3: (310)
in Week 4: (718)
in Week 5: (635)
Total words up to this point: (2360)
All total words up to this point: 4190

How many post
in Week 1: (6)
in Week 2: (5)
in Week 3: (5)
in Week 4: (7)
in Week 5: (7)
Total posts up to this point: (30)
All total posts up to this point: 57

Are all your posts labeled? Yes

Do you have a label element in your sidebar? Yes

Do you have a picture in your self intro? Yes

Do you have a feed in your sidebar? Yes

Do you have a list of links that feature links to 4 other students' blogs? Yes

Do you have Kumamoto Links in sidebar? Yes

Do you have other links in sidebar? Yes

Do you have reviews on Amazon (linked to from blog)? Yes

Do you have listmania lists on Amazon (linked to from blog)?no

Do you have any wiki or similar contributions (linked to from blog)? Yes

Do you have advanced media (Slideshare, Bubbleshare, etc.)?Yes

Link to your book reviews here
Review1-7 (fair)

Link to your essays posted to your blog here
Essay04 (210words, good)
Essay05(144words, bad)

How many posts
with link(s):16
with 1 picture/photo: 17
How many complex posts? at least 2 links and 1 photo:3

How many comments are there your blog?(8)

Have you made at least 8 comments? YES

Please link to the 8 comments you think are best.
haruka's blog'YASAISEIKATSU'
haruka's blog 'Kentucky'
Sae's blog'Crape'
Sae's blog 'Pasta'
Tomomi's blog'My pet'
Namu's blog'Sightseeing'
Yu-ka's blog'Niku'
Mai's blog'Karaoke'

Please link to your best non book review, non essay blog post.
Book review is here
Essay is here

Why do you think it is your best?
Because I observed my idea on a subject properly.
Because it is really memorable day so, I want to tell everyone.

Please link to your best comment on another blog.
My best comment is here

Why do you think it is best?
This is because I wrote why do I want to go there.

About kumamoto

Music and dance
We would like to tell you about dance and music in Kumamoto. There is a lot of festival in Kumamoto for example, Hinokuni (Land of Fire) Festival, the great festival of fujisaki hachimangu shrine and so on. We will introduce about Hinokini Festival. Hinokuni Festival holds on August in Kumamoto city. Each group dance original dance fit to 'Otemoyan' music. It is original song. It has two patterns. One is slow temp; another is up temp like the samba. I like both of them.

We use 'Higo moccos' as a word that we suggest own personality. It means obstinate. Moreover, the people of Kumamoto prefecture are got the impression that they are coarse. And then, people who lived in Kumamoto defined that beauty is to hold on something with wiping the sweat off from their forehead. We think long history here influence them.

Essay 5

A year ago, I went shopping. I found clothes I liked it so, I tried on it. But, my shoulder is so badly swollen that I couldn’t wear it. While I was regretting, I went back home. I realized I forgot my house key in my room. I remembered my rooms window opened and I conceive a bright idea. It was to mount a ladder that leaning on the wall near my rooms window. My room is second floor. I mount a ladder so; I was in a mood to be spider man. And then it was time I had to go for part time job but, my bicycles tire had been flat. I was reduced to going to there by bus. Moreover, I was likely to miss the bus. I thought I was out of luck today.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Book review1-10

Story: Shore's family is an ordinary American family, and Ellen is six years old when her brother Al is born. Her parents are very pleased to have a son, but Ellen is not pleased, because now baby Al comes first. And when they are adults, Al still comes first.
He begins a rock band and makes records. Soon he is rich and famous - very rich, but he gives nothing to his sister Ellen. She has a difficult life, with three young kids and very little money. And she learns to hate her rich, famous, unkind brother . . .

This is a story that the relationship between an older sister and a younger brother are complex. They are the exact opposite and this story is a wild twist. It is so interesting that to exchange of views in court and a think story. I thought what should I do if I am in like this shoes? I cannot image about it. I think I still leave many things to be desired.

My niece02

My brother brought his child. Her name is Rinka. She is 1 year old and so cute! She can sing 'twinkle star' and reggae music. She gave me to heart because she is full of energy. I was mended by her when I saw her.

Monday, June 18, 2007


I bought this flower because I had to go the hospital and visit my friend's mother. I chose vivid color to give her heart. It was so beautiful! Thanks to it, I felt grateful, too.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


When I was going to go nishihara village, my bike has broken suddenly. Oil was leaking from tank. It was so dangerous state. I called garage soon and I got my bike repaired. I could go back home after 3 hours at last. I decided to check my bike diligently.