I will tell you about my life and what I did and what I read. Please come this room whenever you are free.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Book review2-3

I read this book. Story: Jim Smiley was addicted to gambling. He bet on anything from the death of Parson Walker's wife to fights between his bulldog pup, Andrew Jackson, and other dogs. One day a stranger to the town agreed to bet on a frog jumping higher than Jim's frog, Daniel Webster. When Jim wasn't looking the stranger poured a quail shot into Daniel Webster's mouth making it impossible for him to jump at all. The stranger won the $40 bet and escaped before Jim realized the con.
I have known Mark Twain because I learned about him in American literature so I borrowed it. I was surprised that this story was real.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Woody that cowboy figure (Tom hanks) was Andy’s favorite’s toy until he got birthday present. The birthday present was Buzz light year (Tim Allen). He reckoned that he was a space ranger. Woody who was deprived of his number one was going to beat it somehow. One day, Woody dropped Buzz from window on purpose. And then, Woody would to go out from house with Andy, too. Woody and Buzz had quarreled but they would go back home somehow but, say, they were caught by Sid who lives next to Andy that he is bad boy so their life hanged by a thread.

At the same time the Andy family’s move was approaching, they must work together without quarreling, or they never meet Andy forever. Moreover Buzz knew that he was a toy and he disappointed. Woody had help from toys and succeeded in beating and escaping from Sid’s house with Buzz. Their friendship grew up at last. They could get the Andy’s family car by their joint effort.

I thought this movie was good because this movie teach us that you should treasure toys and friends. I thought things that we should treasure are not only toys but also friends and things. For example, it is life or things that we have and things which was given. I leaned about a lot of things.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Today's dinner is Sukiyaki!! I like Sukiyaki and it was chilly today so I requested. I didn't have part-time job so I went shopping with my mother after I came back home. We cut vegetables with talking and laghing. I was so happy. When we eat Sukiyaki my father always season it. It was so delicious. I was full.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I read "The troy stone". On holiday in Turkey, Mark Jackson visits Troy and finds a yellow stone which seems to have special powers. Suddenly he is in a world of long age - a world where the Greeks are building a wooden horse... He was dreaming. He got up and he thought wonder.
This story is so fantastic and I thought it was strange from the first. It is easy for me to read this book and to understand because this book has illustrations.

Monday, October 8, 2007


I played darts with Minor sensei and Haruka. We made it at 10 in Cocotai of Hakuzan street. I didn't know where it is so I called Haruka and Minor sensei came to near Gakuen university to pick up me. We went to Cocotai by Minor's car. I made member's card because I didn't have card. We started to play darts at 10:30. It was first time to play darts so I didn't know how to play. Haruka and Minor taught me how to play. Thanks to them, I had very much improved in playing darts. After, I went shopping with Haruka. I enjoyed holiday. I want to play darts again.